Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dresser top nesting

Ok, this has nothing to do with dirt, but I thought I'd post some before and after pics of my dresser.

I should note that I actually did this about a month or so ago, but since pics tend to stay in my camera way too long after they've been taken....

This is my dresser before. Pretty crowded and chaotic.

Here is my dresser after I've organized my jewelry on my pretty new rack. All my pretty little doilies (all four of them-three in that pic) are grouped on top of the dresser. The mirror is thumbtacked to the ceiling. I wanted a tiny little mirror just to check my earrings and such. I was going to put it on the wall, but since my dresser is positioned at a slight angle it worked out better to hang it from the ceiling.

And here's a close up of some of my favorite earrings hanging in their new home.

By the way, that bigger, square doily on the right I got from my great-aunt Kathy who actually is Allen's grandmother's sister, but since they don't much care if you're in by birth or marriage it's pretty much all the same. That's a place mat that her mother-in-law hemstitched from a larger piece of lace. The amber earrings Allen gave me on my first married birthday. The fan earrings my cousin Rhoda gave my Christmas one year.

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