Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lets get to gardening!!

I began my gardening career in our front yard two summers ago, and it has been frustrating, exciting, and just plain strange. I have tried all manners of vegetables, flowers, fruit, and herbs. Some have been surprising successes, others have been absolute failures. By the end of the summer I really just want to bulldoze the whole thing and can't wait for winter so I don't have to deal with it anymore. However, spring soon returns and I begin to frequent garden shops, dream of beautiful foliage, and can't wait to get my hands dirty. I am very exciting about this upcoming season, especially because I have Elisa to commiserate with this time around!
As I was contemplating my gardening tactics, I ran across this old post from the you grow girl blog that Elisa mentioned, and it opened my eyes to the risks I am taking with my street garden!
I definitely have dog shit issues, and trash issues (including used condoms, ew), and unknown chemicals, but I had never really thought about the impact that these elements might have on my well being. I guess the fact that I have grown and consumed many things in this plot and survived is a good sign, but I might stick to porch containers this year for my new edibles and keep flowers on the street. But, I have strawberries (of which a few have started flowering!) and I am not giving those up!
So so much more could be said, but I'll leave that for next time...and the next I suppose.
Here's to this new gardening season and to community! Chink Chink!

1 comment:

Elisa M said...

Thanks for joining and posting! I love talking gardening with you. and shopping for way-too-expensive plants!