Sunday, March 16, 2008


Hi All,
As i was messing around in my garden (or spots of dirt outside of my apartment!), I started thinking about You Grow Girl, a gardening blog that I love. This let to my thinking about Apartment Therapy, a home blog that I love(see also The Kitchen). I was wishing that we had something like for Birmingham...a place to share our triumphs, trials, experiments in all things "Nesty", like gardening, cooking, decorating, baking, entertaining, etc. we are! I am hoping that this will be an online community of women who are trying to figure out life and beauty and what they mean to us and to The Kingdom and our relationships to each other, our families and our communities.

Blog as little or as much as you like. I chose the title "Like as a Garden" because all that we do for our homes, our gardens, our families and friends are sowing seeds and hoping that they grow.

If you would like to be a part of this blog, let me know and I will get you added. My vision is women of all ages and walks of like sharing and learning and encouraging.

So, welcome!

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