Monday, March 17, 2008

Hi. It's me. What's for supper?

I ask myself that a lot -often when I've spent too much time with one of my Rex Stout novels and should have started supper half an hour ago. Yeah, that's me. Love to do everything, but usually don't get around to it 'cause I'm too busy reading about doing it. Oh well, back to supper. I grew up with approximately two recipes under my lovely vintage cloche hat: Granny's chocolate meringue pie and an honest to goodness best pound cake ever. Apart from those two I couldn't boil water (or so it was said). Then I got married, and OH MY GOSH no one's mom was around to do the cooking! Since man cannot live on pie alone I closed me eyes, whispered a desperate prayer, opened them up again, and opened a can of spaghetti sauce. I haven't looked back since. Not only can I open a can of spaghetti sauce with the utmost style and confidence, but I also know something I bet you don't know about cooking the perfect steak. My soups are brother-in-law approved, and Grandmom commended my clean, subtle approach to mashed sweet potatoes. Seriously, I enjoy cooking. I also enjoy reading, which is why I enjoy making meals with lots of leftovers to maximize my reading to cooking/dishwashing ratio (Allen is my dishwashing king). I love reading half a dozen recipes, doubling the veggies, and coming out with something completely my own. if you want a classification for my kind of cooking think healthy comfort food. Spaghetti with extra sauteed onions and bell peppers. Baked chicken with mashed sweet potatoes. Steamed broccoli galore (with plenty of melted herb butter). Italian pasta soup with spinach and zucchini topped with freshly grated mozzarella. Lots of free range meats and organic veg. If you are what you eat then I'm a quality lady. Either that or green and drizzled with butter. Did I mention we eat a lot of broccoli? I also like to experiment with tasty alternatives to sugar and gluten laden recipes. There are plenty of options out there for those who are interested, and I'd be happy to share with anyone who's interesting...err...interested. Inquiries from interesting people are welcome too :D

I'm really excited about the opportunites to share and learn with the women of Birmingham. I may try to do anything (domestic that is, no roller coasters or huge bungy cords), but I readily admit that I sure don't know everything.

1 comment:

susan said...

I think I really could live by pie alone. And honey-nut Cheerios. :-)