Monday, April 14, 2008

Happiness is just a stock pot away

As I sit here, I have a free range chicken roasting in the oven and a "Mineral Miracle" vegetable stock simmering on the stove. It smells like I imagine Heaven smells like...warm and comforting and nourishing.

No longer will I fret over what to do with veggies that are almost past their prime. Some water, seaweed (really!), spices and a stock pot is the answer! With herbs from my garden. Yummy. Gone are the days of buying the 'original recipe' rotisserie chicken from Western. I am a changed woman.

Hope you all are eating well this evening too.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Yep, chicken curry soup with a tad too much ginger. Your's truly is coming down with a cold and felt like consuming fiery substances. It was still good soup though. Can you help with the chicken thing? I've never roasted anything in my life, and whole chickens scare me. Read my other comment :D