Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blog freecycle

My love for gardening has spread around the office. The Garden book buyer left me a big surprise on my chair...books!

However, she has already given me a copy of most of them. So....they are up for grabs!

Here is what I have: (1 copy of each)
The Complete Compost Gardening Guide
The Gardeners A-Z guide to Growing Organic Food
the Veggie Gardeners Answer book
Incredible Vegetables in Self-watering Containers

Let me know if you want any of these!

First come, first get.


Carla Jean said...

I would like Incredible Vegetables!

Elisa M said...


Jessica said...

If it's still available, can I get The Gardeners A-Z guide to Growing Organic Food? I should be in town this week or next and can stop by and grab it. thx!