Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Commitment to Loveliness

I came across this challenge today (Thanks Trina!). The basic premise is that you choose five ways you can add loveliness to your life. I'm not sure if it's a week or a month challenge broken up into weeks, but it looked worth doing. Of course I know some of us are all busy with Script Frenzy this month trying to churn out plots, and this might not be the best time to start making even more commitments. I, however, am going to give it a shot. So here's my list.

1. Shave my legs more often. I am a lazy blue-jeans girl by habit, but smooth legs means I can have spontaneous sundress moments without hunting up a razor. And sundresses are just plain prettier than blue-jeans.

2. Take the time to actually take care of my nails. (Are you seeing a trend here? I'd much rather be reading than doing my nails.)

3. Start clearing the clutter out of my bedroom so I can have a peaceful space in there.

4. Guilt-free cleaning: just one small thing at a time when I have the opportunity -the toothpaste, my apple core (yummy), my car keys etc.

5. Get up and move. I'll feel better.

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