Monday, March 24, 2008

I hope I always, always feel this way

I went to look at my little garden space today and, after looking close, I found them...LITTLE GREEN SPROUTS! My poppies are starting to come in. I was worried because after all the rain, my soil was beginning to again resemble clay. I was sure that the little friends would not be able to push their way through. I misjudged them. Like me, they are stronger than they look. A little difficulty was not stopping them from basking in the sunlight of spring. I almost cried.

My seeds came in today. Some of the veggies say to sow outdoors in early spring, so I guess that is now?! The tomatoes and tomatillos need some indoor lovin' first, so they are going to be set up on trays in my bedroom (the best light in the house). I am hoping to get dirty this weekend.

Amy, my Amaryllis is just about to bloom. She is in the phase where she has 3 distinct leaves, pink and green and vein-y just waiting go burst. Her stalk is so green and solid. I love it. Maybe tomorrow.

I love Spring. This year seems especially after death. Green after so much brown. I keep mentioning this, in my personal blog, to everyone I is on my mind a lot. I feel like I am maybe opening up again as well.

**Stay tuned to hear about CJ and my first week as members of a CSA. What veggies will we be enjoying this week???

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